Login Issue

Are you having trouble signing in to mymorri account? Then you are on the need to visit the employee login page of morrisons.

  1. Visit the main employee login page, at www.mymorri.com.
  2. You will see a standard login form.
  3. Enter your Gmail ID to Sign in with Google.
  4. Enter your password in the second field.
  5. Click the ‘Login’ button.
  6. You will now be signed in to Morrisons employee account.


I Cannot Log In to My Morri ?

If you run into login troubles, please contact HR for more Info.

How do I complete the login verification process ?

Turn on 2-Step Verification for log in to complete the verification process.

Login’s page does not Load properly ?

If you are unable to load the login page, access the Accessibility Friendly Version of the webpage