Registration Process

Human Resource Operations portal of Morrison Corporation offers comprehensive HR services to its employees, including easy access to payslips, salary information, wage details, and vacation records through an online platform-MyMorri

Here are the step by step procedure of MyMorri Employee Portal for new users. To register for an employee’s account follow the below steps.

  • First of all, Visit the official website
  • It will take you to sign in page.
  • Then, click on “Sign in with Google”.
  • After that, you will be redirect to a new window.
  • In that window, Press on the “Create Account” text link.
  • Then, Enter some personal information like “First name”, “Last name”, “Username”, and “Password”.
  • At last, click on the “Next” button.
  • The email confirmation will sent to your Gmail account .
  • With your Gmail Account information, you are successfully register to your employee-Account.


How do I activate employee account after registration?

Follow the instructions provided in the confirmation email to activate your account

Will I receive a confirmation email after registering for the employees portal?

Yes, once your registration is successful, you should receive a confirmation email.

Why am I seeing a validation error when filling out the registration form?

A format error occurs when the information you entered does not meet the specified requirements.

Why is my email address not being accepted during registration process?

Double-check that you have entered your email address correctly, without any typos or extra spaces.